Friday, 25 April 2014

ID selection

We are finally settled with an ID! We only had 6-8 IDs to choose from, but it was really tough and the experience we had was truly an unforgettable one. I'm really glad it's all over. We've made the $500 deposit to our ID so right now we're just waiting for his 3D-drawing, which will take about 2-3 weeks. I have already plan to make full use of the time searching for more ideas and inspirations, renovation & furniture loans, sourcing out good furniture & electronic deals etc.

We decided to search & choose our ID months before our key collection date simply because we want our renovation journey to be less stressful. As we are currently renting out a place to stay right now, we really want to move in to our new home ASAP to avoid spending more $$$. My friends call me 'kiasu' when they found out that I was already hunting for an ID without getting our keys yet. But to me, I simply didn't want to make any hasty/rushed decision in the near future.

Here are a few factors that we looked out for while picking the right ID for us:-
  • Budget
  • Experience of ID
  • Trustworthiness of ID
  • Ability of ID to understand our needs & requests
  • ID's helpfulness
  • Design vs. Practicality
I think I've basically covered pretty much all of it. If you feel that there are more factors to look out for, please feel free to comment below :)

Will post a review on each of the individual ID firms that we had contacted on the next upcoming days. Do watch out for that!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Just received an email from the HDB Loans department. Pretty excited to getting my hands on the HLE letter! Read through forums and FB pages of several BTOs - the average waiting time to getting the keys after HLE documents are submitted is approximately 1 - 2 months? However, I recently asked a colleague of mine & she said she got her keys just 2 weeks after submitting her HLE documents! She did mentioned she submitted her documents online though... Not sure if submitting manually vs. online submission plays a part in the waiting time of keys collection. But whatever it is, I'm definitely submitting mine via online! Hehe...

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Our Floor Plan

Here's a picture of our floor plan:-

We are currently in the midst of choosing an ID. Will update again soon :)

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Hi All!

Welcome to MyTiffanyHome! This is a site where I will share my renovation journey ups & downs. Will update when the time comes!


Ms Tiffany